Forensic Healing

Forensic Healing was founded by Marisa Russo in Victoria, Australia.It is Kinesiology based,following a protocol of scan lists which, with the biofeedback from the clients arm certain information is revealed from the client’s subconscious, such as what negative feelings, negative beliefs and negative emotions can hold the client back from experiencing their full potential. On… Continue reading Forensic Healing

Theta Healing

Vianna Stibal, a naturopath from Idaho, USA, created the ThetaHealing®Technique after using the methods to cure herself of bone cancer caused by mercury poisoning her body. Through the years of healing others in the 1990′s she decided to set up classes and teach her methods. Since then, she has written over 8 books, set up… Continue reading Theta Healing

Vibrational Essences

Spa scene with natural essential oil

Vibrational essences carry the vibrational frequency of particular flower, crystals, or shells.They work in a similar way to homeopathic remedies where like treats like. The essences are made by having either the flower, crystal or shell immersed in purified water and left in the sunlight for a specific period of time so that the energy… Continue reading Vibrational Essences

Crystal Healing

Crystal Healing has been used by many cultures and as far back as the ancient civilisations of Lemuria and Atlantis. Crystals are divided into 8 systems according to the shape of the inner structure such as square, hexagonal, trigonal, tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, and amorphous. If you feel unwell or are experiencing negative issues in your… Continue reading Crystal Healing

Energy Healing

Energetic Healing focuses on the Subtle Anatomy such as the Chakras, Meridians, and Auric field around the body as well as the emotions, the mind and physical body. Energy from God our creator and divine source is flowing through all of us. This divine energy penetrates all the layers of our auric field via our… Continue reading Energy Healing